7 Things You Can Do After a Car Accident in Jackson, Mississippi

If you have been involved in a car accident in Jackson, Mississippi, the immediate aftermath of your crash can be a confusing time. You might be injured. Others around you might be hurt. The stress of calling the police and getting medical attention for your injuries can turn the minutes and hours after a car accident into a blur. The things you do after your crash can have an impact on your personal injury claim. If you’ve been injured in a car accident, one of the things you can do to protect your rights is to contact the car accident lawyers at Malouf & Malouf, PLLC in Jackson, Mississippi. Our firm can review the details of your police report, review the evidence surrounding your accident, and estimate the value of your claim. We can negotiate with insurance adjusters and may also be able to pursue negligent parties for damages. What are some things you can do immediately after a crash to protect your rights?
  • Stop and Help the Injured. If you’ve been injured, seek medical attention for your injuries. If others are hurt, you are required by law to stop your vehicle and render aid. Call the police. Don’t move victims unless failing to do so would lead to greater injuries.
  • Call 911. If property damage is greater than $250, according to the Mississippi Bar, you are required by law to report the accident. If other people are injured in the crash or if someone has been killed in the car accident, the crash must be reported to the police. Under Mississippi law, a police report must be made within 10 days after the accident takes place. Even if you think damages to your vehicle are less than $250, it is still a good idea to report the accident to police. Why should you always call 911 to make a police report? Some injuries may not always be immediately apparent right after a crash and some damage to a vehicle may not always be visible. If other damage or injuries become known later, it can be more difficult to make an accurate police report after the fact. Furthermore, without a police report, it could be more difficult for you to make a claim with your insurance company. Protect your rights and call the police after every crash.
  • Exchange Information with the Other Driver. Get the names and contact information of other drivers involved in your accident. Record the make, model, year, color, and license plate information of the other vehicle. You’ll also want to exchange insurance information with the other driver.
  • Were There Witnesses? If other people saw your accident take place, get their names and contact information. If you need to make a personal injury claim later, having witnesses who can attest to what happened can be helpful.
  • Take Photographs. While it is always a good idea to take notes about what happened before your accident and where your accident took place, a photograph can often capture details you might miss. Photograph your vehicle’s damage, the road where the accident took place, and ideally, the positioning of both vehicles after the crash. If you can photograph your injuries, this could also potentially be helpful when the time comes to make a claim.
  • Tell Your Insurance Company. Your insurance company may require you to make a claim as soon as possible after an accident takes place. If you are having difficulty making a claim or if you aren’t sure whether you should make a claim for a minor accident, you may want to speak to Malouf & Malouf, a car accident attorney in Jackson, Mississippi. Our lawyers can review your case, look at your insurance policy, and negotiate with insurance adjusters to help you get the best possible settlement permitted under the law.
  • Speak to a Car Accident Lawyer in Jackson, Mississippi. The days and weeks after a car accident can be incredibly stressful. You and your family may be struggling to pay medical bills and may wonder how you’ll make ends meet if you have had to miss time from work to heal. You might be entitled to seek damages for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages. Malouf & Malouf, PLLC are car accident attorneys in Jackson, Mississippi who may be able to assist you with your claim.
These are just some of the steps you should take at the scene of an accident and in the days and weeks following your accident. If you have been seriously injured in a car accident, you might need assistance understanding what your next steps should be. USAttorneys.com can connect you with a car accident lawyer at Malouf & Malouf, personal injury lawyers in Jackson, Mississippi.
Categories: Distracted Driving